jQuery Geo is an open-source, geospatial mapping jQuery plugin developed with the intention of making spatial web mapping significantly simpler than it may initially seem. jQuery Geo is a custom engine and not a wrapper for other APIs, such as Google Maps.
Please follow the project on Twitter for release notifications, links to new examples, and other geospatial stuff.
Please read the following sections for more information and examples, and thank you for considering us! If you have any questions feel free to ask the lead developer on Twitter.
Sample HTML to use while laying out your map page
This jQuery widget puts interactive maps into your page
The $.geo namespace has functions for transforming GeoJSON objects
This project takes pride in having easy-to-use, up-to-date documentation. Before any code is committed, these docs are updated with any public API changes and sometimes internal design decisions. The side effect is that the documenation may be ahead of the code at times. Also, any undocumented features you find in the source should be ignored or asked about.
jQuery Geo supports the following devices and browsers and may work in other un-tested environments.
Checkout the showcase to see applications using jQuery Geo: http://jquerygeo.com/showcase/
Next, here are some code examples! Use these as a suppliment to reading the above documentation sections but, above all, have fun!
All of these examples are done in JS Bin so you can easily view and play with all the JavaScript that makes them work.
one function call to create a map
attempt to fit many features of jQuery Geo onto one page
map popup with labels map popup with highlight shape shape styles interactive inset map basemap switcher jQuery Geo logos a trail drawn across four services USA states GPS tracking Hurricane tracking Olympic Volleyball GigaPanThis last set of examples attempts to test various components of jQuery Geo in an insolated way. They are the simplest examples.
a note about dynamic tiles & caching
opacity & toggle simple inset map $.geo's bbox functions shingled (dynamic) services string service src alternate tilingSchemedetermining the visible tile range
projecting & $.geo.proj
events append KML points find remove & empty draw modes drag modes measure modes shapeStyle option drawStyle option label geometry functions deferred tilesLastly, short of looking through the source code you can read a bit about the internal design decisions we made in the following section.